Monday, September 23, 2019

De Havilland Vehicles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

De Havilland Vehicles - Essay Example The sales office has on-line access to the manufacturer's vehicle tracking system to establish the availability of cars by model, colour and extras. Cars can be ordered directly, but there is no internal system to store data on products or customers, only a card index system. DHV plc also uses paper-based systems to administrate its service and repair booking system, job cards, supplier data, orders, personnel and training. DHV plc has three distinct parts to its business. They act as a middleman for a car manufacturer selling their new vehicles. Last year (2004) 50% of their car sales were new split 40% to business and 10% to private users. The new car warranties and used vehicle guarantees tie customers in for subsequent servicing which builds long term relationships. The company seeks to retain these customers when the warranty or guarantee expires. The company also has a buoyant local repair trade. Whilst the directors of DHV plc have determined that e-Business and more integrated Information Systems is the appropriate way forward to achieve their new objectives it might help define the detail of the problem more accurately by researching not only what the competition are doing but also what e-Business innovations other distribution companies of high value items are usi... Cars can be ordered directly, but there is no internal system to store data on products or customers, only a card index system. DHV plc also uses paper-based systems to administrate its service and repair booking system, job cards, supplier data, orders, personnel and training. 2.2 Market Information DHV plc has three distinct parts to its business. They act as a middleman for a car manufacturer selling their new vehicles. Last year (2004) 50% of their car sales were new split 40% to business and 10% to private users. The other 50% of their car sales were used vehicles and they include guarantees with all second-hand cars sold. The new car warranties and used vehicle guarantees tie customers in for subsequent servicing which builds long term relationships. The company seeks to retain these customers when the warranty or guarantee expires. The company also has a buoyant local repair trade. 3. e-Business Problem Definition and Objectives Whilst the directors of DHV plc have determined that e-Business and more integrated Information Systems is the appropriate way forward to achieve their new objectives it might help define the detail of the problem more accurately by researching not only what the competition are doing but also what e-Business innovations other distribution companies of high value items are using. It might help reinforce the soundness of their strategy and point them in the right direction. 3.1 E-Business ideas for DHV plc According to Lou Gerstner, (CEO IBM 1993-2002): The internet is increasingly playing a more strategic role in business processes and failure to recognise this and take advantage of its potential could result in an organisation being left behind in todays over competitive environment.(Source, Internet & Business,

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