Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Problem Of Care Aids - 1374 Words

The next portion of this analysis is the evidence that the situation provides. Care aids in Canada have a document that outlines competencies needed in order to provide the public with safe, competent and ethical care (HCA Core Competency Profile, 2014). Upon my analysis of this document, the care in the situation had not met competencies 1.0: Health and Caring, 3.0: Communication Skills, 5.0: Safety, and 6.0: Responsibility, Accountability and Ethical Behavior. I begin to question what the ramifications are for care aids that do not meet these standards in Canada. Is it possible that the care aid has forgotten the competencies in which she is required to meet? It could be that the care aid isn’t educated about dementia and wasn’t aware of†¦show more content†¦Determining Step two of this process involves determining what the relevant ethical principles are being met or missed in the scenario (The IDEA, 2008). Nonmaleficence is characterized by the act of avoid ing harm of our clients while in addition, weighing this harm against the benefits of the action (Bastable, 2014). In this scenario, the care aid did not meet the ethical principle of Nonmaleficence, as she scolded and teased the resident because he had not cleared his entire plate; telling him that he wouldn’t get his hat back until he started being a â€Å"good boy†. Although the care aid may have felt that scolding the resident would prevent him from doing wrong in the future, her intervention did not result in a positive outcome. Subsequently, causing harm to the client by triggering anger and confusion. In addition, the care aid lacked the ethical principle of beneficence. Beneficence is much like nonmeleficence, but is characterized by portraying actions that promote good (Burkhardt, Nathaniel Walton, 2014). Considering this definition, her actions did not benefit the client nor promote good, as the resident was unable to correlate the scolding to the notion of clearing his plate. I also feel that the ethical principle of Justice was involved in this situation, as the care that was provided wasn’t fair, equitable or appropriate to the client (Burkhardt,Show MoreRelatedA Research Study On Palliative Care1663 Words   |  7 PagesHIV and new cases in older people. To manage this increasing population a holistic care is needed. According to World Health Organization (2002) â€Å"Palliative care is an approach which improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing life-threatening illness, through the prevention, assessment and treatment of pain and other physical, psychosocial and spiritual problems† (para. 1). 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Multiple conditions and disabilities can affect an individuals wellbeing emotionally and physically. They may require extra support and encouragement with any activities they undertake, as well as empathy, support and encouragement with any emotional needs they may have. Looking at multiple and/or disabilities there could be certain additional problems thatRead MoreMass Education On Hiv / Aids1073 Words   |  5 PagesProject I: Mass education on HIV/AIDS to reduce stigma a. Who is the in-country implementing partner? The Global Fund will partner the Red Cross Society of China (RCSC), a humanitarian social relief organization. The organization’s mission is to protect the health and lives of the people by launching its Nationwide HIV Programme. Within RSCS, it organizes a wide array of programs, ranging from disaster prepared to First Aid training. HIV/AIDS prevention and care is among one of the programs thatRead MorePositive And Negative Factors Affecting Quality Of Life For Women With Hiv / Aids929 Words   |  4 Pagesquality of life for women in Sub-Saharan African with HIV/AIDS. One major positive factor that increase quality of life is the support system that religion can provide. It is documented that â€Å"Women s narratives also illustrated how their faith was an important source of ongoing psychological support as they learned to live with their diagnosis† (Maman et al., 2009). Churches and pastors provide support and a community for women with a HIV/AIDS diagnosis. This i s crucial for women to fight depressionRead MoreCase Study : Medication And Medical Appointments Essay1376 Words   |  6 Pagesday to stave off the progression of AIDS (â€Å"What Is HAART?,† 2012). The individual is more likely to continue HIV/AIDS treatment if they are not having to constantly struggle to obtain said treatment. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Disney And His Creations. “An Artist And Patriot, Walt

Disney and His Creations â€Å"An artist and patriot, Walt Disney was a man that changed lives†. He was a man that stood for freedom, and he would take a stand to help the American war efforts with his Animations. His passion would go on to capture the minds and the lives of many Americans. After World War I Disney would go on to learn how to create animations. The fame that Disney received for his animations quickly spread his films through the nation. Of course, there were other propagandist that would also make a name for themselves but none would compare to Walt Disney and his many influential films. â€Å"His impact in the war served to help the war effort, not only on the home front but also in the hearts and minds of those who fought†. In†¦show more content†¦The Great Depression harshly impacted Disney but he managed to rise above these hard times. He began to use new methods of producing his films. Through his hard work Disney was thought of producing a pure American art. Disney would ensure that his films were as he dreamed they would be. â€Å"Story development became an elaborate process, closely monitored by Disney himself† (Langer). The United States largely used propaganda during World War 2 to influence Americans that we needed to fight the war. This was often done by claiming that America was fighting against the evil of Hitler and his allies. Artist like Dr. Seuss, Jerry Siegel, Bill Mauldin, and many others helped create something that would influence the war effort against the Axis. They were famous for contributing in the form of various cartoons or comics. But Walt Disney would contribute major films and animations that would be shown nationwide. â€Å"Winston Churchill arranged for Franklin Roosevelt to see the film at the Quebec Conference in 1943. Roosevelt’s subsequent order that Victory through Airpower be shown to the Joint Chiefs of Staff may have influenced air strategy† (Langer). Walt Disney was often asked to create films that would help the war effort. Before the United States joined the war, Disney was known to work with the Canadian government to make defense films. But it was not only films thatShow MoreRelatedEvil Disney, Research Response to Henry Giroux5383 Words   |  22 PagesEvil Mickey There are plenty of hotbed issues on how the Disney corporation’s sociological and socio political ideologies are embedded into their products and how they affect children, but very few ask why Disney would place hidden ideologies in their movies/shows. What reasons would Disney have to program children with outdated morals while trying desperately to uphold a model image of innocence? What practices has the disney corporation practiced that some would consider immoral or even illegalRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pagesunderstanding organizational ‘common sense’ Organizational symbolism The ways in which individuals develop a sense of self in organizations 282 282 284 286 287 288 288 293 294 298 300 301 . Contents xi The self as dramatic artful creation Negotiating the way between the self and the organization’s rules Developing the organizational identity Understanding organization culture through symbols Introduction – two ways of exploring culture Communicating cultures Negotiation of meaning

Monday, December 9, 2019

Shays Rebellion Essay Example For Students

Shays Rebellion Essay I believe that the states had all the rights to take the tools and properties of the farmers to pay off the farmers debts. I think that the property was a kind of collateral for the money that the farmers borrowed for the ammunition. I do not think that Daniel Shays and his band of farmers had any right to rebel and close down the banks. I do think, however, that what he did was also a good thing. It made the states realize that a stronger central government was needed. It was used by important people such as George Washington, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton to help convince the different states to give more power to the central government. I believe that the rebellion in itself wasnt very significant or important, but what it is really what our country is about. The Ability to express what we think. Shays and his men did it in a fairly violent way, but none the less, they were expressing their rights as American Citizens to protest the unfair treatment that they were getting. This rebellion would have had no historical significance if the Massachusetts militia had stopped it in time. This has very little to do with the entire country not being strong enough, but more with Massachusetts being in itself weak. On the other hand, if the entire country had been stronger, maybe the separate states would have been stronger. In conclusion, I think that Shays rebellion is unimportant, and almost pointless, except for what it stands for, and the fact that it helped make our country stronger. Many other rebellions have happened since then, but this particular rebellion is important because of when it happened. If it hadnt happened at such a crucial time in our countrys history it would have been put down immediately, and no one would ever have heard of it.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Team Sports free essay sample

Organized sport’s is often promoted as a character-building activity for the young. Participating in team sports helps to develop good character because sports involve team work, gaining of social experiences and helps relieve stress. Working toward a common goal is an integral part of the sports experience for athletes. It is through this experience that some grow into leaders and others into strong supporters, both of which a team will need to be successful. Finding their role on a team is a similar experience to finding your meaning in life, a definite life experience for participants. Team sports such as basketball, football and soccer underscore the necessity of working together to achieve your goals. Players learn firsthand how to achieve success through hard work, perseverance and consistency. Teamwork is a very versatile character trait. It can be used in many parts of life, from sports to the workplace. They teach you not only how to lead, but how to take directions from someone else. We will write a custom essay sample on Team Sports or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This is a trait that many people can use in their careers as most people have careers where they need to interact and work with others as a team. As a child I learned these things through team work. Team work promotes the sense of achievement. I began to see and appreciate the impact each member of the team had on me personally and as a group. I was constantly learning to work well with others and develop respect for each others unique talents. Participating in sports gives athletes the ability to develop tight and lasting friendships with others who have common interests. This is a valuable experience that usually leaves them with lasting life long memories. There are some positive social benefits to sports participation that are easily overlooked by many. This holds true for all athletes whether they compete in individual and/or team sports and activities. Team sports develop interpersonal skills; they teach children how to communicate with others. In sports such as football, players have to discuss plays or plans with other team mates. As adults, instead of communicating with other players and coaches, they have to communicate their opinions and ideas with other employees or employers. Team sports also teach conflict resolution skills. Two players may disagree on a play or plan, causing an argument. Eventually, they have to work together to come to an agreement that satisfies each player. In the workplace, two employees may not agree with each other and have to share and discuss their ideas in order to resolve the conflict. Physical activities are a good way to relieve stress and reduce depression. Sports help individuals cope with anxiety in a healthy manner, while producing positive physical benefits such as improving motor skills and mental concentration. Players contribute individual talents and skills to a group accomplishment, which allows for a greater sense of self-worth. This feeling helps contribute to stress relief by focusing on a persons positive accomplishments within the game. Players often set personal goals for games, such as how many points they will score or shots they will block. Reaching these goals fills a player with pride, which creates an emotional relief from anxiety and stress. In addition, participating in sports on a regular basis allows individuals to stay in shape and feel physically fit, which adds to a persons positive outlook. On the other side of team sports many people think they are just a breeding ground for bad outcomes. Team sports are often contaminated with power struggles and hurt feelings. These especially come into play when kids reach the stages where team selections and other selective honors become controlled by volunteer committees, as well as more over-bearing coaches and parents. One of the main concerns with sports and young kids is the time management. You have to juggle games and practice with school work. Many believe that’s just too much stress on a kid this young in his life. Participating in team sports helps to develop good character because sports involve team work, gaining of social experiences and helps relieve stress. Being on a sport team creates the opportunity to gain meaning full insight into ones self. This is the time to gauge reactions and learn appropriate responses to difficult situations. Athletes learn not to become defeated by a loss, but to dig in and believe they can win even when the score board says otherwise. It teaches each individual to stay balanced, the up and down of sport teaches athletes to stay on the axis and avoid circular emotions. When one takes a good look at the variety of benefits available to those who participate competitively in sports, one cannot help but see how comprehensive they are in the development of a well-rounded individual. I know of nowhere else that a person has the opportunity to gain so much, both on the inside and out, all from one place.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Application of the Triaxial Test in Engineering Practice Essay Example

Application of the Triaxial Test in Engineering Practice Essay Example Application of the Triaxial Test in Engineering Practice Paper Application of the Triaxial Test in Engineering Practice Paper The information such as the shear strength parameters and the cohesion that obtained from triaxial test can be used to check the safety and predict the behaviors of long-term stability of slopes, earth fills and earth retaining structures. The analysis carried out in terms of total stress obtained from undrained test can be used to investigate the initial stability of the foundation of a structure or embankment on saturated clay. Alternatively, the analysis can also be used to determine the initial stability of open cut or sheet piled excavation made in clay and the stability against bottom heave of a deep excavation in clay. Moreover, stability of impervious rolled field can be investigated through the test. Besides, the analysis on the stability of the clay foundation of an embankment or dam where the rate of construction permits partial consolidation can also be determined in terms of effective stress by using the values of c and fi obtained from drained test or consolidated-undrained test. Advantages and disadvantages of the test Advantages: I.The control of drainage conditions to allow for different types of test: drained and undrained conditions. II.The possibility of the measurement of pore pressure III.The possibility to allow the soil to be sheared to failure in its natural weakest plane. IV.The shear strength parameters obtained is more accurate than those obtained from shear box test. Disadvantages: I.Influence of the value of intermediate principal stress. In many practical problems approximating to plane strain, the intermediate principal stress is greater then the minor principal test. II.Change in principal stress direction In problems where the direction of the major principal stress changes steadily under the applied stress, this restriction limits the accuracy with which pore pressure can be predicted. III.Influence of end restraint  Friction between the ends of the specimen and the rigid end caps necessary to transmit the axial load restrict lateral deformation adjacent to those surfaces. IV.Duration of test The duration of test commonly used in the triaxial apparatus and the parameters by which the results are expressed are open to criticism on the grounds that they take no account of the phenomena of creep in soil.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Top College Majors Further Careers †

Top College Majors Further Careers Deciding on your college major is a highly responsible step. It is not necessary to choose a major which is related to your further career, but it is recommended to study and work in somehow interconnected fields. There are a lot of factors to take into account before selecting the type of college major which suits you. Besides, it makes no sense to waste time on several different degrees at a time: you have to invest all your time in one field and building college application essay exactly for the university and major of your dream.   Other published guides on college majors may be useful too. Except for the general college subjects, your curriculum will also include narrow areas such as Physics, Political Science, or Gender Studies. Most of the modern colleges add E-commerce as a separate discipline and major as far as the internet became a powerful tool of modern business people. There is one thing all contemporary college majors have in common: students will definitely have to use computers. Information technology and medicine are considered the top college majors as far as corresponding careers gain the highest salaries and social bonuses. Read this article to the end to find out what careers and degrees are the most wanted in today’s world. In case you haven’t made your decision yet, you might be interested in picking on of these areas. Anyway, you can change your decision at any time during your education if you don’t love what you do. Hottest College Majors and Related Jobs For most of the industries and college majors, last year was full of new job opportunities. At the same time, the basic indexes remained almost the same. Searching for well-paid sought-after positions which require skills you possess? In order to get a good job, it is better to gain Master’s degree. Before choosing your educational path, you have to decide on your further job. Here is a list of most wanted college majors and relevant jobs for you to pick from. You can ease your application process by using help from experts online. Dental hygiene Dental hygienists are among the most demanded and perspective professionals in the field of healthcare. Unlike surgery or manual physician, this job does not require that huge medical background except for the college major in dental hygiene. After all, compared to other entry-level positions like registered nurse, the wages are more than enough. American Dental Association certificate is the only must to gain up to $70,000 per year. Note that you’ll need years of experience and college major before becoming a really great dental hygienist. Veterinary biomedical sciences Do you care about animals? Then, a veterinary technician is just the right job for you once you end up with your college major in biomedical sciences. Private technicians who serve pets on house are very appreciated and rare experts. Pet doctors are valued less than human, but it doesn’t reduce the importance of their roles. They help both animals and their owners. A vet tech is tested less strictly: all they have to do is to pass a single college exam. The advanced knowledge in pet’s health might be a plus. The duties are also simple: interpreting the tests results (without even conducting them), stating diagnoses and supporting pet’s health level. The salary is twice smaller than mentioned above. Sports fitness administration There is no need to tell how demanded fitness trainers are in the age when everyone watches after their bodies. College major in sports is thus a trend. The absolute record holder in terms of college majors and top careers is a fitness trainer. Thanks to the new fashion trend, sporty girls and guys are in demand now. So are the fitness center’s jobs. You don’t have to be a professional trainer: a close friend of mine got the job only because of his passion for bodybuilding. That’s it. The expected wages for this kind of job are $40,000-45,000. After all, it’s a great opportunity always to keep fit and healthy. The attendance for workers is free of charge. Computer Science The most popular occupation from this college major category is known as a database administrator. It’s a rather complicated and valued job. Database administrators are usually among the most responsible company’s IT specialists as the entire computer system depends on them. Well, this one stayed on the list for the last decade. Good system administrators are always in top 10 due to the rapid digital world’s development. Storing, retrieving, organizing, and controlling databases are as easy as ABC for the modern generation. So, be ready with your Associate’s Degree in Computer Science (or good luck) to receive $65,000 annually. Nursing (different types) Medical assistant sounds like something amateur, but, I fact, people of this position possess all chances to become professional doctors and even surgeons one day. This age is all about IT and healthcare college majors. Eat humble pie. Be ready to perform basic medical aid and care for patients. Your recruiter might be a private physician, chiropractor, ophthalmologist, podiatrist, or another doc. This position suits students perfectly as part of their internship program, so there are no obligatory documents required for the salary of around $30,000. Computer engineering A Software Engineer is a top winner in this area. Mobile applications and online games are especially admired nowadays. You are at the right time and the right place within your potential IT company if you can boast at least Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering. Ready to get your $60,000 for the small but smart ideas? Health information technology Health Information Technician is a rare and well-paid profession with dozens of responsibilities and obligations. A.k.a. medical record keeper, these guys can make $30,000 for just saving doctor’s time for patient's treatment. Healthcare administration It is true that majors in arts are less wanted than healthcare professionals. Yes, I warned you there is a plenty of them. Your recruiter will be interested in your Accreditation from the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant before paying a bit more than $90,000! It’s a right path for those who wish to become talented physicians one day. You can also try being physical therapist aide once you finish your college major. It’s a good start to reaching previous position and wages level one day. Being high school graduate is all you need for sure. The payment is twice lower at his stage. Network Systems Analyst At last, a leader regarding required certificates, Network Systems Analyst. You’ll be asked to bring your Network Analyst Certificate, Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Management Information Systems, Information Science, or Systems Engineering, but the payment is not that huge: $55,000. So think of it: maybe, the system administrator will suit you better? As we can see, liberal arts and other humanitarian sciences are not among best college majors. Unless you are really interested in these fields, it is recommended to gain skills in medicine, engineering, and IT. When you finally make a choice regarding your preferred college major, rely on professional admissions essay writing service where you can buy 100% original application papers. Making choices regarding your college life and career is a hard job, but we hope that these tips would help.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Discussion Board Question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Discussion Board Question - Assignment Example The policies before and after 1986 had a uniform naturalization rule of setting a residence requirement of two years. Policies were expanded for exclusion and deportation of subversives whereby all aliens had to report their address every year. In 1988, a mandate was made to increase border patrol agents. The agents increased by twice as much by 2004. Also, there was provision to enhance national and border security by increasing border fencing, surveillance and detainment of unauthorized border crossing. Religion has influenced me in such a way that I am now able to work and get along with other people. Religion has enabled me to avoid engaging in unhealthy activities such as drug abuse. People are reluctant to talk about religion because some individuals have mystical experiences whereby, they tend to think that their relationship with religion is intimate and should not be divulged to others (Schaefer, 2011). Religion reflects conservative and liberal positions on social issues as it describes people’s views. For example, the conservative rules describe views of various Christians on specific issues unlike liberalism. Another example is that liberalism can support homosexuality in a society while conservative religion can reject

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Mobile Marketing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Mobile Marketing - Research Paper Example The paper aims at deciphering the future of digital marketing along with the advantages and disadvantages. It gives emphasis on mobile marketing as it gained prominence over the past few years. Digital marketing has already made a huge progress in the present situation and in the years to come, this will proceed and benefit everyone in the world. This needs to be adopted by every marketer for enhancing the communication with its potential customers.Digital marketing refers to the process of marketing where information about products is delivered to the target customers with the help of technologies. Taking the help of this brand awareness increases among people and all this leads to increase in sales thereby generating profit in the long run. It enables the audience to access information about any company they want through digital media and this is possible at any place and any time.This medium is used not only by the customers but also by the companies in order to know about the pre ferences of customers. The knowledge about the choices of customers is not enough; there is a greater need for communicating with them. This is done through social media sites, emails, and mobile phones. The companies by taking the help of these mediums know about the experiences of the customers, record them and through this, the expectations about the products of them are known. The strategies adopted by rival companies can also be extracted from digital media and this can be incorporated in their own companies for improving.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The book Swallows and Amazons by Arthur Ransome Essay Example for Free

The book Swallows and Amazons by Arthur Ransome Essay I have read the book Swallows and Amazons by Arthur Ransome. It is a childrens adventure story in the period between the two world wars featuring the Walker and Blackett children, their families, and other inhabitants of the area around the Lake District in the northeast of England. A childrens camping and sailing story, it grasps the mind of the readers firmly although it is not fantasy and has a background of reality, through the interesting leisure activities and fascinating plot. The story begins with four Walkers, John, Susan, Titty and Roger, who are on holiday, borrowing a dinghy called the Swallow and going camping on a lake island, which they name Wild Cat Island. But they are soon challenged by the Blackett girls Nancy and Peggy (real names Ruth and Margaret), on the boat Amazon, who claim ownership to the island. After a short quarrel, they decide to form an alliance against the unfriendly houseboat man and ex-pirate, Captain Flint (in reality, James Turner) who is also the Amazons uncle. After a brief battle to decide the flagship, they attack Captain Flint and claim victory. Captain Flint becomes friendly again and the younger Swallows help Mr. Turner find his stolen treasure. The story ends with the departure of the Swallows back home. The part I found most interesting in this book is Titty, the third of the Walkers and able-seaman, staying alone in the island for the night while the others went on an expedition and capturing the Amazon. First, I was very impressed at her choice to guard the island. Most people, especially children, do not like being left alone and would have normally chosen to be in the thick of the action with the others going up the Amazon River, but such was her love of the island that she wanted to guard it in the dark. She also imagined herself as Robinson Crusoe stranded on a desert island but in the opposite of what the real Robinson Crusoe thinks in the book, she thought that he ought to have wished to stay on it forever. I was totally captured by her imaginativeness and love of nature. Secondly, although she was fooled unawares by the Amazons, she did not lose her head but stayed calm and in a superb action of dynamic circulation of mind, succeeded in capturing the Amazon by counter-using their plan and finally won victory for the Swallows, whom, had it not been for her, would have lost the battle. The art of keeping a cool head in an emergency is one of the most important virtues of life and I admire her very much for that. This talent is something I have always lacked, not that I ever found myself in a real emergency, and I must try to raise the ability of calm and dynamic thinking to overturn my inferior situation. In reading this whole book, I found the character that resembles me most Roger, the youngest of the Swallows. He is still a young boy of seven and unlike the others, who are quite mature for their young ages, has childish characters such as fearing the dark although he tries to fill in with his older siblings as adventurous youths. I have wondered when I would become all that brave and fearless like my father and other male adults. I have come to a conclusion that I must try to make change within myself, not only think that I deserve change for nothing. Roger took part in all the adventures and in the end, I might say that he achieved quite an improvement in his level of maturity through his adventures by participating and trying to really enjoy them, abandoning his traces of childishness. I hope that I will have a chance soon to grow up from the inside, which I shall embrace with open arms. I think what this book is trying to tell readers is that the flow of life, however seemingly rough and irregular, always has a constantness about it and that if you will something a lot and try hard, everything shall end well through the victory of the Swallows against the Amazons, the allied children triumphing above Captain Flint, everybody becoming friends, and everything resolving itself well. This, I think, can be applied in the same way with personal relationships. I have seen the Swallows and the Amazons finally become friends, and Mr. Turner making it up again with his nieces. It is the same in my daily life: I have a little crack in my relations with my parents due to my misbehaviors, but we always find back our good relationships. Reading this book will have effects on my future life. It has helped me to try to become a more mature person and to have more hope in things, but not to ask for good things without trying. This was also quite a new kind of book to me. Up to now, I had not yet read a realistic adventure story like this book. Also, the subjects of camping and sailing were quite new to me and I had difficulties understanding the specific vocabulary about tents and boats. But this experience of reading Swallows and Amazons, I believe, will help me very much in reading other books about similar topics. I enjoyed very much this book and would like to read the later books in the series also. *I wrote this book report in January 2009 after having read the book Swallows and Amazons by Arthur Ransome (1930).

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Poem, Woman, by Nikki Giovanni Essay -- Poetry Analysis

The poem â€Å"Woman†, written by Nikki Giovanni, uses several metaphors to describe the journey of a woman and what she feels the man should do but will not do. She describes in many different ways how she wants support from the man, but he is unwilling to give it. In the first stanza, she starts the poem with the woman being a simple, insignificant thing. â€Å"She wanted to be a blade of grass amid the fields† (lines 1-2). Grass grows under your feet. Blades of grass are plentiful and ordinary. She just wanted to be just like every other woman. â€Å"But he wouldn’t agree to be her dandelion† (line 3-4). A dandelion is a deeply rooted weed. If it is pulled up by the roots, one has to get every single root up or the dandelion will grow back. This signifies that the woman wanted the man to be the solace in her life. In the second stanza, the woman in the poem is now referring to herself as a robin. â€Å"She wanted to be a robin singing through the leaves† (lines 5-6). Robins mostly stay in their own climate during the winter, and feed off of the berries in the tree. When spring is coming the robin starts to sing. â€Å"But he refused to be her tree† (lines 7-8). She wanted the support when she needed, but she also wanted the freedom to fly away when she needed to. The tree signifies structure and stability. She needed that stability, but he did not want to give it. In the third stanza, the woman has progressed into a spider. â€Å"She spun herself into a web and looking for a place to rest turned to him but he stood straight declining to be her corner† (lines 10-14). Spiders are normally very independent by nature. However a spider’s most desired place for a web would be a corner. A corner allows the spider a safe haven and many exit routs to esc... ...endent, aggressive, and predatory. Then she tried to be a book, a great resource. In her final attempt to get a response from him, she turned herself into a bulb, his vital life source. However she was a woman the whole time. The author could have been using metaphors to show what she thought were the characteristics of men and women. The poem more likely shows the progression of women over time to find their place in society and the man’s struggle to deal with it. The woman in the poem was desperately trying to find her place of significance. She learned in the end, that being who she was in other people’s eyes was less important than being who she was in her own eyes. Work Cited Giovanni, Nikki. â€Å"Woman†. Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing.7th ed. Edgar V. Roberts and Henry E. Jacobs. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2004. 1098.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Realities Behind Deceiving Appearances Essay

According to Alfred Kazin, â€Å"In every great novel of society†¦ what counts is the reality behind the appearance† (Kazin, 1981, 297). In other words, he’s saying that the best books are those that include one or more realities behind appearances. The novel first I chose is called Perfect by Ellen Hopkins. This book has four main characters; Cara, Sean, Kendra, and Andre, who are all teens struggling to fit the ideal of perfection, even if it means hurting and lying to themselves and others. The other novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain tells a story of a runaway slave named Jim and a young boy Huck, running from the dangers of his father. Together they are trying to get to the North but run into many roadblocks. This adventure includes deceit, danger, excitement and most of all, friendship. Both of these novels show reality behind experiences through its actions, dialogs, and the characters themselves! In the following paragraphs, I will comp are and explain the reality behind appearances such as friends or family, disguises and secrets in both novels, Perfect and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Jim, a runaway slave from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn shows many realities behind deceiving appearances. An example of a deceiving appearance is when Huck and the duke paint Jim all blue and dressed him up in King Lear’s outfit before leaving to town. Huck doesn’t want to risk Jim being taken away and sold back into slavery so they disguise him as a â€Å"sick arab-but harmless when not out of his head† (Twain 157) so that he won’t have to uncomfortably lay tied up in the wigwam all day. The reality behind this disguise is that Jim is a kind and harmless runaway slave. After a tiring adventure, Jim talks to Huck about his family. When telling stories to Huck, he reveals a reality behind a deceiving appearance about his daughter Elizabeth. When Jim’s daughter was young, she got very sick. When she was better, Jim had told her to shut the door but she just stood there smiling at him. He repeated himself and again, she just smiled at him. Thinking that she was being naughty and a rebel, he smacked her across the head as a punishment. When he slams the door shut and she doesn’t budge, wince, or make any notice of it, Jim realizes â€Å"Oh, she was plumb deef en dumb, Huck, plumb deef en dumb† (Twain 156). The biggest and most important reality behind a deceiving appearance is that along this adventure, Jim was  freed from slavery. After all the trouble Tom put him through, Tom finally fesses that Jim was free because â€Å"Old Miss Watson died two months ago, and she was so ashamed she ever was going to sell him down the river, and said so; and she set him free in her will† (Twain 289). The duke and the king from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn are very mischievous people. They are full with illusions, lies, and intelligence. The first reality behind appearance Huck saw is their names. On the day they first meet, both men claim they were a king and a duke in order to receive pity and to be spoiled by Jim and Huck. While Huck sees through this appearance, Jim does not. Later on in the story, the king cons the people of a religious camp in order to get some money. He pretends to be a pirate who changed his ways after he was robbed and now is working his way back to the ocean in order to change all pirates. He gives credit to the people of the town to earn their pity and succeeds. â€Å"‘Don’t you thank me, don’t you give me no credit; it all belongs to them dear people in Pokeville camp-meeting, natural brothers and benefactors of the race, and that dear preacher there, the truest friend a pirate ever had’† (Twain 132). The reality behind the king’s appearance is that it was all an act and that he is just a cheater. Even after this silly event, the king and the duke are still greedy for more. When they find out that a man who has a lot of money for a relative has died, they head towards the town. There, they pretended to be the uncle of three girls who are very sweet and innocent. Eventually, the actual heirs to the money show up and start to expose the duke and the king. They have a more authentic english accent and state that the handwritings when compared to an old letter aren’t the same. In my novel, Perfect by Ellen Hopkins, there are four main characters struggling to fit an ideal of perfection. One of the main characters is named Kendra. Kendra is a senior in high school and everything you would want to be. She’s popular, on the cheer team, rich, and most of all, skinny. Kendra’s obsession with perfection comes with dangerous consequences as she is willing to do anything to achieve it. The most deceiving illusion when it comes to Kendra is her appearance itself. Kendra has gone through many plastic surgeries to look as she is now. With a rhinoplasty already  scheduled, she is also hoping to get a boob job which her stepfather refuses to allow. Along with the plastic surgery, in order to lose weight, Kendra eats as little as possible. Kendra believes she is fat, being 5’ 10† and 122 pounds. Though everyone tells her she’s not, she states that the â€Å"stinking mirror doesn’t lie. Everytime I walk by, it shouts out, †˜Hey. Chub. When are you going to lose those fifteen pounds of ugly-ass flab? Do you want to stay size four forever?’† (Hopkins, 23). The reality behind Kendra’s illusion is that she’s already beautiful and dangerously skinny. With every calorie she doesn’t eat, she inches closer and closer to death. One of the reasons why she believes that she’s not beautiful is because her boyfriend Conner left her. She believed he left her because she wasn’t good and pretty enough. The thought of this tortures her because Conner was her first love, the first person whom she gave her heart and soul to. She later finds out that Conner is in the hospital because of an accident. The reality is that Conner didn’t get into an accident, he tried killing himself and he didn’t leave her because he thought she was ugly. He left her because he had fallen in love with someone else. When Kendra leaves her beauty agent for Xavier, she begins to work with a man named Gilles. Xavier tells Kendra that Gilles is one of the â€Å"biggies† and that she needs keep him happy. â€Å"I have to keep Gilles happy. He likes the way I look. Especially naked† (Hopkins 496). Gilles and Xavier claim that they love her but in all honesty, they are taking advantage of her. If they rea lly did love her as she is, they wouldn’t abuse her body with pills, sex and surgeries. The appearance of Gilles loving her for her style and determination masks the reality that in order to do business, she must trade it with her service to him. Another character who has a deceiving appearance in the novel Perfect is a girl named Cara. Cara, like Kendra is also on the cheer team, beautiful, rich, has good grades and a wonderful sexy boyfriend but is she really all the things people make her out to be? Cara has a secret, one that could ruin her reputation; She’s a lesbian. Her boyfriend Sean is just an appearance. An appearance to make her seem straight when in reality, she’s a lesbian. When Sean finds out about her secret after they break up, he exposes her by taking a photo of Cara and her lover making love and sharing it to all of her â€Å"friends†. After this incident, all of Cara’s friends leave her and  began calling her cruel names such as slut and dyke. â€Å"I can’t believe Cara broke up with Sean. Neither can half the senior class†¦ They’re chopping her into little pieces: †¦is a slut anyway, †¦always was full of it, †¦serious commitment issues† (Hopkins 306). The comfort and companionship of her friends was all an appearance in which the reality was just to use Cara for their own benefit. Because of this incident, Cara finally decides to tell her parents. â€Å"‘Dani said I should press charges†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Mom’s eyes grew steadily more severe. ‘I think it’s best to let it drop. If this becomes public knowledge, the media will smear it all over the headlines. Our reputation will be ruined. Bad enough we had to deal with all the flak about Conner.’ She straightened her blouse, as if it had been wrinkled by the very idea of her children disgracing her name† (Hopkins 535). The definition of parents is a mother and a father and that’s exactly what Cara’s parents are. A mother and father, nothing more. Though they do provide Cara with materialistic needs, it is all for her mother’s reputation. Her heartless parents with their high expectations are so extreme that it causes her twin brother Conner to kill himself. The idea of loving and supportive parents is just an appearance that the Sykes family create when the cold truth is that they don’t hold any familial bonds with each other. In the preceding paragraphs, I have compared and explained the realities behind appearances in both novels, Perfect and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. As Alfred Kazin was saying, realities behind deceiving appearances make a book more interesting to read. It also makes the readers realize that there are many illusions in our daily lives. Through the characters, we can perhaps learn a lesson on how to act, spot, and deal with these realities behind appearances.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Healthy Eating Pyramid Essay

The â€Å"Healthy Eating Pyramid† is a guide to eating a healthy diet. What is a healthy diet for you depends not only on your age and sex, but also on your body condition. This article gives an insight into the Healthy Eating Pyramid. Read on†¦ Many people have a wrong notion about the concept of healthy eating. Youngsters think remaining thin by depriving themselves of all foods they love to eat is healthy eating. However, they are wrong. Healthy diet has nothing to do with remaining thin by depriving oneself of food. A healthy and nutritious diet should impart a sense of well-being and make you feel energetic. The Healthy Eating Pyramid – Tips Harvard School of Public Health developed a nutrition guide for healthy eating called â€Å"The Healthy Eating Pyramid†. The principles underlying the Healthy Eating Pyramid stress mainly two things. They are regular exercise and weight control. The Healthy Eating Pyramid lays the foundation of healthy eating in eating more of vegetables and whole grains and less of red meat and refined grains. Here are a few tips to follow â€Å"Healthy Eating Pyramid†. Regular Exercise – Regular exercise is the basic principle for any healthy diet pyramid. The reason is it helps to keep your weight in check. Focus on Food You Eat – The Healthy Eating Pyramid guides you to what kind of food you should eat, how you should eat and when you should eat. It advises you as to the number of servings you can eat. So eat your fill of healthy food and do not worry about the calories. Give Importance to Vegetables – This guide stresses on a vegetarian diet that includes plenty of fruits and green vegetables daily. You can also use whole grains and healthy fats such as canola and olive oil. Avoid Red Meat – The healthy nutritional guide advises on avoiding red meat such as beef and mutton. It would be a good idea to forgo refined grains, carbonated/sugary drinks, potatoes and salty snacks. Instead of red meat have fish or lean meat such as turkey, chicken and other poultry. Have a Multivitamin Daily – This healthy diet pyramid suggests the inclusion of multivitamins in your daily diet. The Healthy Eating Pyramid – Different Levels There are six levels in the â€Å"Healthy Eating Pyramid† and each level has a group of foods recommended in your daily diet. First Group – The food belonging to this group includes breads and cereals. You can have maximum 10 to 12 helpings a day. Grains form the basis of this level. Second and Third Groups – The food items falling in this group include vegetables and fruits. They are a source of fiber and vitamins. The health pyramid recommends at least 4 servings a day. Fourth Group – The fourth food level consists of dairy products like cheese, milk, and yogurt. The â€Å"Healthy Eating Pyramid† recommends 3 servings per day. Fifth Group – Foods that provide vitamins, minerals and protein are included in this group. Some of the foods recommended in the fifth level are meat, poultry, eggs and fish. You should also include dry fruits, nuts and beans. Have at least 2 helpings a day. Sixth Group – This is the last group in the â€Å"Healthy Eating Pyramid† and is placed at top in the food pyramid. These food items are high in sugar and fat. It is wise to consume these foods sparingly. A significant feature of this healthy pyramid is it gives importance to the quality and not the quantity of food you eat. A recent update to the â€Å"Healthy Eating Pyramid†, is the inclusion of salt to the sixth group, and recommends adding salt sparingly to your food. It also suggests including Vitamin D daily in your diet.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Patrick Cleburne - Civil War - Confederate - Army of Tennessee

Patrick Cleburne - Civil War - Confederate - Army of Tennessee Patrick Cleburne - Early Life Career: Born March 17, 1828 in Ovens, Ireland, Patrick Cleburne was the son of Dr. Joseph Cleburne. Raised by his father after his mothers death in 1829, he largely enjoyed a middle-class upbringing. At age 15, Cleburnes father passed leaving him an orphan. Seeking to pursue a medical career, he sought admission to Trinity College in 1846, but proved unable to pass the entrance exam. Possessing few prospects, Cleburne enlisted in the 41st Regiment of Foot. Learning basic military skills, he attained the rank of corporal before purchasing his discharge after three years in the ranks. Seeing opportunity in Ireland, Cleburne elected to immigrate to the United States along with two of his brothers and his sister. Initially settling in Ohio, he later moved to Helena, AR. Employed as a pharmacist, Cleburne quickly became a respected member of the community. Befriending Thomas C. Hindman, the two men bought the Democratic Star newspaper with William Weatherly in 1855. Expanding his horizons, Cleburne trained as a lawyer and by 1860 was actively practicing. As sectional tensions worsened and the secession crisis began following the election of 1860, Cleburne decided to support the Confederacy. Though lukewarm on the issue of slavery, he made this decision based on his positive experience in the South as an immigrant. With the political situation worsening, Cleburne enlisted in the Yell Rifles, a local militia, and was soon elected captain. Aiding in the capture of the US Arsenal at Little Rock, AR in January 1861, his men were ultimately folded into the 15th Arkansas Infantry of which he became colonel. Patrick Cleburne - The Civil War Begins: Recognized as a skilled leader, Cleburne received a promotion to brigadier general on March 4, 1862. Assuming command of a brigade in Major General William J. Hardees corps of the Army of Tennessee, he took part in General Albert S. Johnstons offensive against Major General Ulysses S. Grant in Tennessee. On April 6-7, Cleburnes brigade was engaged in the Battle of Shiloh. Though the first days fight proved successful, Confederate forces were driven from the field on April 7. Later the following month, Cleburne saw action under General P.G.T. Beauregard during the Siege of Corinth. With the loss of this town to Union forces, his men later shifted east to prepare for General Braxton Braggs invasion of Kentucky. Marching north with Lieutenant General Edmund Kirby Smith, Cleburnes brigade played a key role in the Confederate victory at the Battle of Richmond (KY) on August 29-30. Rejoining Bragg, Cleburne attacked Union forces under Major General Don Carlos Buell at the Battle of Perryville on October 8. In the course of the fighting, he sustained two wounds but remained with his men. Though Bragg won a tactical victory at Perryville, he elected to retreat back to Tennessee as Union forces threatened his rear. In recognition of his performance during the campaign, Cleburne received a promotion to major general on December 12 and assumed command of a division in Braggs Army of Tennessee. Patrick Cleburne - Fighting with Bragg: Later in December, Cleburnes division played a key role in driving back the right wing of Major General William S. Rosecrans Army of the Cumberland at the Battle of Stones River. As at Shiloh, the initial success could not be sustained and Confederate forces withdrew on January 3. That summer, Cleburne and the rest of the Army of Tennessee retreated through central Tennessee as Rosecrans repeatedly outmaneuvered Bragg during the Tullahoma Campaign. Ultimately halting in northern Georgia, Bragg turned on Rosecrans at the Battle of Chickamauga on September 19-20. In the fighting, Cleburne mounted several assaults on Major General George H. Thomas XIV Corps. Winning a victory at Chickamauga, Bragg pursued Rosecrans back to Chattanooga, TN and commenced a siege of the city. Responding to this situation, Union general-in-chief Major General Henry W. Halleck directed Major General Ulysses S. Grant to bring his forces from Mississippi to reopen the Army of the Cumberlands supply lines. Successful in this, Grant made preparations for assaulting Braggs army which held the heights south and east of the city. Positioned at Tunnel Hill, Cleburnes division manned the extreme right of the Confederate line on Missionary Ridge. On November 25, his men turned back several frontal assaults by Major General William T. Shermans troops during the Battle of Chattanooga. This success soon was negated when the Confederate line further down the ridge collapsed and forced Cleburne to retreat. Two days later, he halted the Union pursuit at the Battle of Ringgold Gap. Patrick Cleburne - Atlanta Campaign: Reorganizing in northern Georgia, command of the Army of Tennessee passed to General Joseph E. Johnston in December. Recognizing that the Confederacy was short on manpower, Cleburne proposed arming slaves the following month. Those that fought would receive their emancipation at the end of the war. Receiving a cool reception, President Jefferson Davis directed that Cleburnes plan be suppressed. In May 1864, Sherman began moving into Georgia with the goal of capturing Atlanta. With Sherman maneuvering through northern Georgia, Cleburne saw action at Dalton, Tunnel Hill, Resaca, and Picketts Mill. On June 27, his division held the center of the Confederate line at the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain. Turning back Union assaults, Cleburnes men defended their part of the line and Johnston achieved a victory. Despite this, Johnston was later compelled to retreat south when Sherman flanked him out of the Kennesaw Mountain position. Having been forced back to Atlanta, Johnston was relieved by D avis and replaced with General John Bell Hood on July 17. On July 20, Hood attacked Union forces under Thomas at the Battle of Peachtree Creek. Initially held in reserve by his corps commander, Lieutenant General William J. Hardee, Cleburnes men were later directed to restart an offensive on the Confederate right. Before the attack could commence, new orders arrived instructing his men to move east to aid Major General Benjamin Cheathams hard-pressed men. Two days later, Cleburnes division played a key role in attempting to turn Shermans left flank at the Battle of Atlanta. Attacking behind Major General Grenville M. Dodges XVI Corps, his men killed Major General James B. McPherson, commander of the Army of the Tennessee, and gained ground before being halted by a determined Union defense. As the summer progressed, Hoods situation continued to deteriorate as Sherman tightened the noose around the city. In late August, Cleburne and the rest of Hardees Corps saw heavy fighting at the Battle of Jonesboro. Beaten, the defeat led to the fall of Atlanta and Hood withdrew to regroup. Patrick Cleburne - Franklin-Nashville Campaign: With the loss of Atlanta, Davis instructed Hood to attack north with the goal of disrupting Shermans supply lines to Chattanooga. Anticipating this, Sherman, who was planning his March to the Sea, dispatched forces under Thomas and Major General John Schofield to Tennessee. Moving north, Hood attempted to trap Schofields force at Spring Hill, TN before it could unite with Thomas. Attacking at the Battle of Spring Hill, Cleburne engaged Union forces before being halted by enemy artillery. Escaping during the night, Schofield retreated to Franklin where his men built a strong set of earthworks. Arriving the next day, Hood resolved to frontally attack the Union position. Recognizing the folly of such a move, many of Hoods commanders attempted to dissuade him of this plan. Though he opposed the attack, Cleburne commented that the enemy works were strong but that he would carry them or fall trying. Forming his division on the right of the attacking force, Cleburne advanced around 4:00 PM. Pushing ahead, Cleburne was last seen attempting to lead his men forward on foot after having his horse killed. A bloody defeat for Hood, the Battle of Franklin saw fourteen Confederate generals become casualties including Cleburne. Found on the field after the battle, Cleburnes body initially was buried at St. Johns Episcopal Church near Mount Pleasant, TN. Six years later, it was moved to Maple Hill Cemetery in his adopted hometown of Helena. Selected Sources Civil War Trust: Patrick CleburneNorth Georgia: Patrick CleburneCivil War Home: Patrick Cleburne

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Names of Animals and Insects Formed by Folk Etymology

Names of Animals and Insects Formed by Folk Etymology Names of Animals and Insects Formed by Folk Etymology Names of Animals and Insects Formed by Folk Etymology By Mark Nichol This post lists words derived from words in other languages as a result of folk etymology, a process by which speakers adopt the foreign terms after revising them by using existing elements from their native language. bumblebee: This word stems from the Middle English word humbul-be, but by association with bombeln, meaning â€Å"boom† or â€Å"buzz,† the initial sound changed. caterpillar: The word for a butterfly or moth larva stems from the Old French word catepelose (â€Å"hairy cat†); the alteration of the third and fourth syllables to -pillar (from Middle English piller, meaning â€Å"plunderer†) may have developed from the notion of its destructive effect on plants. cockroach: This word is derived from the Spanish term cucaracha and employs two words that, when combined, sound similar to the original word. cockatoo: This bird’s name is from the Malay word kakatua by way of the Dutch term kaketoe. crawfish/crayfish: Although these are variations of a name for an aquatic animal, the second syllable in each is not equivalent to the word fish; the entire word, ultimately from a Germanic language, stems from the Anglo-French term creveis by way of the Middle English word crevis and is related to crab (and perhaps to carve). geoduck: This name for a Pacific Northwest clam, which comes from a local Native American term, has nothing to do with ducks- or with the Latin prefix geo-, meaning â€Å"earth†; also, the spelling of the first two syllables is inexplicable, since they are pronounced like gooey. greyhound: The first syllable of this word does not refer to the dogs color; it is from the Old English term grieg, referring to a female dog. lapwing: This word for a species of bird started out as the Old English term hlÄ“apewince (â€Å"leap wink†), inspired by the bird’s flapping mode of flight. mandrill: This word for a type of baboon derived from attempts of English speakers to pronounce the name of the animal in an African language. mongoose: The animal’s name stems from mamgusa in Prakrit, an Indic language. (It has nothing to do with geese, so the plural is mongooses.) muskrat: This animal is a rodent, but its name is not derived from its scent or its kinship with rats; the word from which it derives is of Algonquian origin. peacock/peahen/peafowl: The first syllable of these words comes from pavo, the Latin (and Spanish) name for it. Peafowl is redundant, while peacock and peahen denote the male and female of the species. polecat: The first syllable of this name for a mammal in the weasel family (also an alternative name for the polecat’s relative, the skunk) is derived from the French term poul (the base of poultry), from its barnyard depredations. popinjay: This older term for a parrot, now exclusively applied to an arrogant person, is ultimately from the Arabic word babghÄ . quahog: This word for a type of clam stems from poquauhock, from the Narragansett language, and has no relation to pork. sockeye: The name for a type of salmon does not refer to its eyes; it originates from an attempt to pronounce a Native American word for the fish. wheatear: This thrush was originally called a wheatears; that name is a euphemism for â€Å"white arse,† a reference to its light-colored rump. white rhinoceros: White, in the name of this animal, is not a reference to its color; it stems from the Afrikaans adjective weit, meaning â€Å"wide,† a description that distinguishes its wide upper lip from the pointed lip of the black rhinoceros. woodchuck: This alternative name for the groundhog derives from the assignment of two English words whose sounds resemble those of a Cree word. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Homograph ExamplesAmong vs. AmongstComma Before Too?

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Neurocysticercosis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Neurocysticercosis - Essay Example The pig is an intermediate host, which harbors the larvae after ingesting the ova, while the ultimate hosts are humans. (Dhawan, 2007) Neurocysticercosis is caused by the intake of food contaminated with the waste products of a T. solium tapeworm carrier. The adult T. solium inhabits itself in the small intestine of humans, where it attaches itself to the intestinal wall by its suckers and hooks. A few pregnant proglottids are detached from the distal end of the body of the worm every day and passed with the feces; every proglottid contains thousands of eggs, which are fully embryonated, and resistant to all sorts of harsh environments and infective. (Etiopathogenesis of Neurocysticercosis, 2002) If pig products infected with the larvae are ingested, the intestines are subject to a tapeworm infection; when these eggs are ingested and subjected to gastric acid found inside the human stomach, their protective capsule is dissolved and the eggs turn into larval cysts, called oncospheres. Oncospheres travel through the vascular system to the brain, muscle, eyes, and other organs and body parts. The ingested ova develop into larvae (cysticerci) and lodge in soft tissues, especially skin, muscle, and brain. Cysticerci are fluid-filled oval cysts, approximately 1-2 cm in diameter, with an internal scolex. Once in the brain, the larval cysts (cysticerci) initially generate a minimal immune response and may remain in the brain as functional cysts for years. A live cyst can remain in there undetected for as long as 5 years before dying or causing symptoms in the host and cause minor inflammation in the tissue around it. (Christopher M. DeGiorgio, 2004) Finally, Neurologic symptoms by the cyst arise when it dies and the human mounts an associated inflammatory response. (Dhawan, 2007) The symptoms include: Seizures, which are severe involuntary movements of the body, headaches, states of confusion, lack of attention with people around and other things in the surrounding, difficulty with balance, Hydrocephalus or the swelling of the brain in which the cerebral ventricle dilate and lastly, sudden death as a cause of heavy infections. The Stages There are basically four stages of cysts within the parenchyma of the brain: vesicular, colloidal, nodular/granular, and calcified granulomas. In the first stage, the viable cyst larva is known as a vesicular cyst and has a minimum amount of activity which is because of little or no host immune response. As time passes the cyst degenerates, fluid from the larval cyst leaks into the parenchyma, creating a noticeable immune response. An enhancing cyst, without a proper scolex, is called a colloidal cyst. During the colloidal this phase, the parasite begins to demonstrate degenerative changes, the vesicular fluid takes on a gelatinous colloidal form, and the wall thickens. The CT scan shows an annular enhancement bounded by perilesional edema. Performing an MRI, the capsule displays a higher signal than the surrounding brain. As the cyst deteriorates more, it forms a nodule. In the nodular phase, the vesicle usually decreases in size, and its contents turn semisolid, and are slowly repl aced by granulomatous tissue. After the parasite dies, a mineralization process takes place that ends up in a calcified nodule that inhibits

Friday, November 1, 2019

Marine Renewable Energy Market Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Marine Renewable Energy Market Analysis - Essay Example Utilizing nature in the sense, using many natural elements only including various natural energy sources, humans have come up with many inventions and innovations. However, certain of these natural energy sources, have negative side-effects, which kind of destructs the nature or natural environment, from which it is accessed, thereby pushing the need to tap other eco-friendly renewable energy sources. Among them, Marine energy sources are proving to be a feasible and productive option. The United Kingdom not only has 50% of Europe's marine energy potential but the UK also is a prominent leader in the marine renewables market at the present. When these optimum exploitable wave resources as well as tidal stream resources are optimally tapped, it can provide sizable benefits to various sections or stakeholders. One of the key stakeholders is the government. With this sector being a small and upcoming one, it needs maximum support from the government to grow further. Government has been providing good financial support, but the view is, still more grants can be given by the government. This is particularly important in the context of high installation and operating costs involved with these wave and tidal projects. The capitals as well as operating costs are on the higher side, but with the development of technologies, it can reduce in the near future. In addition, this sector has potential for providing employment opportunities, but there are chances that other socio-economic structures in the vicinity of the projects could be affected. Technologies involved in this sector are manifold, and still it is in the development stage, with completely tuned devices and implementations still some years away. Thus, the UK Marine sector has good potential for growth, but still certain challenges exist. Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 Scope 4 1.2 Marine Renewable Energy 4 1.3 Marine Energy Development 5 1.4 Market Size and Growth 6 1.5 Key Competitors 7 2. Trend I: Interests of t he political Government 2.1 Government’s Role 9 2.2 Government’s funding 10 2.3 Need for more funding 10 3. Trend II: Economic Costs and socio-economic impacts 3.1 Installation and operating costs 11 3.2 Socio-economic costs 14 4. Trend III: Technology Development 4.1 Technologies Used 15 4.2 Technology with environmental perspective 16 5. Trend IV: Increasing Environmental Awareness 5.1 Negative impacts 16 5.2 Legislative backings 17 6. Conclusion 17 7. Appendices 20 8. References 21 1. Introduction 1.1 Scope This report will do an analysis of the external environment of the UK’s marine energy market using the PESTLE tool. Through the PESTLE analysis, the report will try to discuss not only the opportunities but also the threats that are prevailing in the marine energy market. By doing these analyses, the report will ‘glean’ four trends, which are visible now and importantly could be visible for the next three years in the marine energy market. The se trends as well as recommendations that can be implemented will provide an overview of the market, and could be helpful for the new entrants as well. The information for preparing this report was obtained from various online sources, which includes government reports, reliable websites, online books, etc. 1.2 Marine Renewable Energy Marine renewable energy constitutes into two sectors, Wave energy and Tidal energy. Wave energy is generated with the aid of wave movement. However, as wave movement and the resultant energy is irregular, a variety of infrastructures or prototypes are developed and installed in the sea to tap the energy. Devices are often separated by their location in the sea, particularly the depth of water. Figure.1 Wave energy (Carbon Trust 2006) On the other hand, Tidal

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

External Factors Affecting Recruitment Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

External Factors Affecting Recruitment - Article Example This article is an attempt to discuss some of the significant aspects of this area of study while focusing on the recruitment of entry-level staff in different organizations, and the effects different factors cause on them. Authors of the article has identified various factors in which, sources of the recruitment stands as one of the common external factors that affect the recruitment process in an organization. Nowadays, recruitment has become an intense and complex process of HR that involves advertising, interviews, categorization, and characterization of employees, etc. In the result, more and more organizations are now putting this responsibility on shoulders of external recruiters that play a significant role in affecting the recruitment procedure in the organization, especially the external recruitment where organizations seeks candidates from outside the organization. In addition, budget and cost are some another factors that also affect the recruitment process in the organizations, as it is an observation that companies often do not go for identifying candidates far away from the region of their organization due to higher costs of advertising and other expenses involved in the process. However, internet has resulted in ease of this process, and various organizations are not putting efforts to recruit individuals from the internet recruitment that has eliminated various factors of the past. One of the noteworthy attributes of this article is the inclusion of different factors based on the perceptions of recruitment officers of an organization rather than focusing primarily on the theoretical frameworks of the recruitment and HR process, which has been a common practice of authors globally. Besides sources of the recruitment, labor market is another significant factor that plays a crucial role in the success or failure of the recruitment process. In specific, supply and demand ratio in the labor market affects the planning of

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Leadership Development Case Study

Leadership Development Case Study Student Name: Yu Bao Assumption1: Susan is an Authority-Compliance leader. This kind of leader just like Susan places heavy emphasis on task and job requirements, and less emphasis on people, except to the extent that people are tools for getting job done (Northouse 2017, p75). During Susans work, she likes to her staff have high efficiency and demonstrating strong organizational citizenship behavior. Assumption2: Susan and in-group members have high-quality leader-member exchanges. Mature partnership refers that high degree of reciprocity between leaders and followers (Northouse 2017, p143). In-group members are skilled in getting job done that cause General Manager trust Susan can get everything done. At the same time, members can gain more opportunities. Assumption3: Susan and out-group members are during stranger phase. During this phase leaders and followers relate to each other within prescribed organizational roles (Northouse 2017, p142). when out-group members have some mistakes or problems in work, Susan just asked the assistant managers to make a strict task criteria attached to solving the issues rather than talk to members who have some negative emotions. Assumption4: Susan is a Transactional leadership. This kind of leader is in the best interest of followers for them to do what the leader wants instead of focus on followers need and their personal development. Susan likes to train her staff to be more efficient and task-focused, and also doesnt suffer fools lightly. Its means she doesnt have patience to help some staff to develop their capacity. Assumption5: If Susan want to her staff getting better she needs to change her leadership to Transformational Leadership. Transformational leadership produces greater effects than transactional leadership. Whereas transactional leadership results in expects outcomes, transformational leadership results in performance that goes well beyond what is expected (Northouse 2017, p142). Question2 In this case, there are two kind of relationship between Susan and her staff. Susan is known as a heavy emphasis on task and efficiency. Under her leadership, she likes to see staff who shows highly organizational citizenship behaviors(OCBs). Because of that, a part of her staff who adapts to her style or willingness to get the job done form an in-group. In the Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory of Leadership, followers who are interested in negotiating with the leader what they are willing to do for the group can become a part of the in-group. In the meantime, leaders prefer to provide more information, opportunity, right to followers (Northouse 2017, p139). This is due to LMX makes the concept of the dyadic relationship the centerpiece of the leadership process (Northouse 2017, p146). It is focus on both leaders and followers perspective. In this way, followers also pay more attention, show more trust, provide more support to their leaders. As mentioned earlier, this kind of bi-directional theory will train a virtuous cycle. In other words, it will foster h igh-quality leader-member exchanges. Graen and Uhl-Bien (1991) suggested that leadership making develops progressively over time in three phases: (1) the stranger phase, (2) the acquaintance phase, and (3) the mature partnership phase. In Susans case, she and her in-group members are in the phases 3, they are highly efficient, getting things done, and also have more opportunity to new internal job as well as which is the most favored by management team. Overall, Susan and her in-group members have same goals and more egalitarian , the most important, they have a reciprocal influences to each other. On the other hand, Susans leader style is focus on task and job requirements. She does not like to sitting down and askingwhy. Because of this, a number of members who are oppose to Susans leading method become an out-group. followers in the out-group are less compatible with the leader and usually just come to work, do their job, and go home (Northouse 2017, p139). In this case, Johnson Fellows who is a member of out-group start to absent demonstrations of company products, morning teas and so on. After Susan hear about this, she just uses a transactional technical approach and never solved emotional states. Therefore, this situation become worse and worse. Susan and out-group members are in the stranger phase. The interactions in the leader-follower dyad generally is rule bound, relying heavily on contractual relationships. They have lower-quality exchanges. The motives of the follower during the stranger phase are directed toward self-interest rather than toward the good of the g roup (Graen Uhl-Bien 1995 ). Because of Susans leadership style, the out-group members are increasingly demonstrating. The LMX theory also has some criticisms, one of the most important drawback is the theory runs counter to the basic human value of fairness. it gives the appearance of discrimination against the out-group. (Northouse 2017 ,p147) It is perhaps the mean reason why Johnson does not attend to some meeting hostile to other staff. The felling about unfair will cause conflict and deteriorate relationship between leader and members. This situation would tend to low staff morale even to increasing the rote of staff turnover. Question3 In Ridgeway case, there are several problems. In the first place, staff is divided into two organize under Susans leading. In addition, because of Susan used modulating the emotional strategy during her work and does not acknowledge her staffs feeling as valid also not going to work to alleviate them. It causes that out-group members are dissatisfied to her. Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, some staff who have worked for Ridgeway for more than 10 years miss and hope to the high-quality LMX. To the first problem, Followers in the in-group receive more information, influence, confidence, and concern from their leaders than do out-group followers (Northouse2017, p139), so that, out-group members have no chance to communicate with their manager, and also the manager would not waste time on contribute a high-quality LMX with members. After that, the relationship between Susan and out-group will be worse. The solution to this problem Susan should to spend more time on talk with the staff who have negative emotions and try to address the source of the problem. And also need her to treat every employee fairly. In this way, she maybe will enhance the quality of LMX. And try her best to narrow the gap between two group. To the second and third problem, Susan can use the strategies of interpersonal emotion management(IEM)In her case, she like to solve problems via strict task criteria instead of address why they have negative emotions. It makes a lot people resent her stance or complain her. Williams (2007) outlined four interpersonal emotion management strategies used to manage others emotions: situation modification, cognitive change, attentional deployment, and modulating the emotional response. (GootyWilliams 2016) Hence, there are two kinds of solutions. In short-term, Susan can use attentional deployment in this case. Attentional deployment involves distracting attention away from the elements of a situation. Susan can use humor distracting the follower in order to induce more positive will reduce negative emotions over a period of time. By using this strategy, leader does not alleviate source of negative emotion in the environment. Meanwhile even though followers feel good at that time, after a few days or several times, they will feel leaders ignored their emotion and also not be concerned. GootyWilliams(2016) suggest Attentional deployment is a kind of emotion-focused IEM. And it will negatively relate to LMX. In this way, Susan just could use it during a period of time. In contrast, she can use situation modification or cognitive change in long-term. In her case, she has to change her mind, she can address why the staff do not want to attend the meeting and try to fix the problem by communicate with who has negative emotions. On the other hand, she also can courage the depress staff, show them the situation in a positive light, and everything will be better day by day. In both way, they are problem-focused strategy. Leader who use these strategies should attain 3 main points: met role expectations of the leader, create an attribution of benevolence, emotion rich communication in the relationship. After that, followers obligation is created, followers will fell their leader care about them and is watching out of them, and validated and promote open communicate of followers thought. Thus, LMX is enhanced, the core of IEMS is formed, the stage for the relationship better is set. (GootyWilliams 2016) Question4: Susans leader style is quite conform with Transactional Leadership. In this kind of leadership have two factors: Contingent reward and Management-by-exception. Contingent reward is an exchange process between leaders and followers in which effort by followers is exchanged for specified rewards. (Northouse 2017, p171) In Susans case, staff by improving the efficiency for more opportunities or appreciated from general manager. Management-by-exception It is leadership that involves corrective criticism, negative feedback, and negative reinforcement. (Northouse 2017, p171) Susan also using passive corrective criticism during her work. She gives employee a poor performance evaluation without ever talking with them about their prior work performance. Then she uses more negative reinforcement patterns to forcing staff depressive emotions and improving the efficiency. Meanwhile her method is quite similar with some part of Pseudotransformational leadership, which refers to leaders who are se lf-consumed, exploitive, and power oriented, with warped moral values. (Northouse 2017, p163) In brief, Susan always focus on her own goal instead of listens carefully to the needs of staff. She does not like her staff have different idea with her and would not give her subordinates more time to find a unique way to solve problems. For example: Ben and his group. If Susan want to change her leadership to transformational leadership, she has to following the four components of transformational leadership: idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. (Northouse2017, p167) At first, individualized consideration, Susan needs to help her staff to achieve their true potential by considering their unique needs and desires. She should to find out why out-group members have negative emotions. she also can create a learning environment to solve the problems both in work and in emotions. Thus , it will help growth development. After that, be a charisma leader, using Idealized influence and inspirational motivation. Image of an attractive, realistic, and believable future to her staff, articulating a direction and then consistently implementing the direction even though the vision may have involved a high degree of uncertainty. (Northouse 2017, p173) In addition, instead of criticism show more benevolence and patience to staff and also need to expression high expectation to them. In this way Susan will be admired, trusted and respected by their followers. In the end, intellectual stimulation which means leaders challenge their followers to question long-held assumptions and approach old situations in novel ways, stimulating them to be more innovative and creative. à ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã‹â€ Anderson Sun 2015à ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã¢â‚¬ °Ben already showed a kind of tendency that he want to solved the problem in a more creative way, but Susan was really hurried to the result. Maybe she should give him more time to done this on his own way. Follow these steps transformational approach can be implemented. But when Susan Implement this method she also need to be cautious to negative impacts of transformational leadership. Such as followers may have the tendency to free-ride on the transformation leaders social networks to conserve resources so they will perhaps be less likely to develop their own social networksà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã‹â€ Anderson Sun 2015à ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã¢â‚¬ °or followers will think leaders not be harsh if they slack on performance.(NgChua 2016) Question5: Unlike many of leadership theories, authentic leadership is still in the formative phase of development. Formulations about authentic leadership can be differentiated into two areas: (1) the practical approach; and (2) the theoretical approach. On the practical approach side: Bill George identifies five dimensions of authentic leadership: purpose, values, relationships, self-discipline, and heart. In Susans case, which aspects will appropriate to her are values, relationships and heart. Values or values and behave means leaders who have a clear idea of who they are, where they are going, and what the right thing is to do. (Northouse 2017, p199) In this aspect, Susan need to realize that she is a leader, she just need to uses her value guide her leadership instead of hands-on everything. Relationship refer to leaders have the capacity to open themselves up and establish a connection with others. Through mutual disclosure, leaders and followers develop a sense of trust and closeness. (Northouse 2017, p199). The mean reason that Susans staff opposition to her is she never talk to them and address the source of problems. It makes their relationship became distant and lack of trust. Therefore, she should to communicate with her subordinates to create a trusting relationship. Heart and compassion is an important aspect of AL. It refers to being sensitive to the plight of others, opening ones self to others, and being willing to help them. (Northouse 2017, p200) Susan like her staff have high efficiency and doesnt suffer fools lightly. But, as an AL she need to empathizing with others and try to help them pull through. On the theoretical approach side, Walumbwa identified four components: self-awareness, internalized moral perspective, balanced processing, and relational transparency. In Susans case, balanced processing, and relational transparency will be appropriate. Balanced processing It refers to an individuals ability to analyze information objectively and explore other peoples opinions before making a decision. (Northouse 2017, p203) When Ben has different idea with Susan, as an AL, who will open about her own perspectives, but are also objective in considering others perspectives. In another word, she need give more time to Ben to complete his idea before her tell the GM. Relational transparency is about communicating openly and being real in relationships with others. As previously mentioned about relationship, Susan need to talk with her staff more not only Job-related but also about daily life. It is noteworthy that there are other factors such as positive psychological capacities, moral reasoning, and critical life events that influence authentic leadership. (Northouse 2017, p203) A lot of findings show that AL is directly and positively related to followers trust in the leader and the experience of positive emotions. (AgoteAramburu 2016) Susan could show more positive emotions just like confidence, hope and so on. It will have a positive impact to implement AL. List of references Agote, L. Aramburu, N. Lines, R. (2016), Authentic leadership perception, trust in the leader, and followers emotions in organizational change processes. The Journal of Applied Behavioural Science, Vol. 52, (1), 35-63. Anderson, M. H. Sun, P. Y. T. (2015), The downside of transformation leadership when encouraging followers to network. The Leadership Quarterly, 26, 790-801. Graen, G. B., Uhl-Bien, M. (1991). The transformation of professionals into self-managing and partially self-designing contributions: Toward a theory of leadership making. Journal of Management Systems, 3(3), 33-48. Graen, G. B., Uhl-Bien, M. (1995). Relationship-based approach to leadership: Development of leader-member exchange (LMX) theory of leadership over 25 years: Applying a multi-level, multi-domain perspective. Leadership Quarterly, 6(2), 219-247. Little, L.M. Gooty, J. Williams, M. (2016), The role of leader emotion management in leader-member exchange and follower outcomes. The Leadership Quarterly, 27, 85-97. Northouse, P. G. (2016), Leadership: Theory Practice. Sage Edge. London Ng, K.Y., Chua, R.Y.J. (2006). Do I contribute more when I trust more? Differential effects of cognition- and affect-based trust. Management and Organization Review, 2, 4366.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Creating a Personal Electronic Home Room Security System Robot with Leg

Personal Electronic Home Room Security System-Bot Question: Is it possible to create a personal electronic home room security system with Lego’s Mindstorm kit? Hypothesis: If I use the Lego’s Mindstorm kit, I hypothesize that any type of security system is possible with legos because the freedom of using as many RCX blocks as possible allows room for larger and more complex robots, though the program NQC does have some limits to it. Background Research: Ever since the beginning of civilization, people had been searching ways to secure their own privacy from intruders. First, it was fire, the most basic form of security that scared unwary animals away, along with dangerously exposing one’s â€Å"clandestine† hideout to curious nature. Next came the actual fortification of structures and barricades, which provided temporary protection from unarmed thieves. Finally, after centuries of failed attempts of searching a flawless security system, the world entered the Information Age, where home security was given a complete renovation in safety and style. A typical home security system consists of an alarm system that sounds after an unwanted break-in. Motion sensors around the house may also trigger such an alarm, just in case if the burglar is already hiding out in the house after security is set. Paranoid housekeepers may also take the extra step of installing timed light systems, just to inform burglars that there is still life and activity within the house. However, the price is horrendously expensive. Nevertheless, one security system for the house is enough for the whole family†¦ unless, those pesky teenagers want one too. Subsequently, installation of nested alarm systems and motion sensors is rather inconvenie... ... further studies, future creators can remedy this problem by developing new ways for two RCX to communicate with each other, such as touch sensors that are attached to both RCX’s, or the usage of laser communication. One other problem is the exposure of the RCX blocks that can allow intruders to simply turn off the blocks to shut off the alarm system. This can be fixed by developing automatic enclosing boxes that lock over the open RCX’s when password is set. The idea of multiplexing sensors without the usage of extra hand-created pieces is another important research that can allow more convenient robots and even a numeric pad controlled security system. With these studies, paranoid room securers may someday finally find peace in the security they have. References: Baum, David. Definitive Guide to LEGO MINDSTORMS: Second Edition. New York, Apress 2003

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Critical Evaluation of the Benefits and Limitations of Using Ict in Knowledge Management Processes Essay

1. 0 Introduction Knowledge management can be considered to be an essential strategic function in any organisation today. As the world becomes more globalised, and traditional structures of intermediation are removed whilst new ones are created, it is clear that knowledge, and consequently a learning organisation is one that is more likely to find unique sources of competitive advantage, and be able to develop sustainable competitive strategies in the long term. A number of different processes and sub-processes have been identified with knowledge management, such as knowledge generation, knowledge codification, and knowledge transfer or realisation (Grover and Davenport, 2001). Nonaka (1994) suggests that knowledge itself is created through the conversion between tacit and explicit knowledge, through the processes of socialisation, internalisation, externalisation, and combination. Technology has often been used to facilitate and support the processes involved in knowledge management. Knowledge management is essential for sustaining the growth of an organisation and ensuring its success. From the perspective of investors, the worth or value of an organisation is as a result of its ability to strategically retain and generate knowledge that facilitates the organisation’s business activity. The sharing of practices throughout the organisational hierarchy, and adoption of effective techniques formulated by individuals having great expertise in the relevant field can help to improve the efficiency of the business activity. Yet the intertwining of knowledge management processes and information and communication technologies (ICT) may blind knowledge managers to the shortcomings of the use of ICT in knowledge management processes. This essay therefore seeks to present a critical evaluation of the benefits and limitations of ICT in knowledge management processes. 2. 0 Benefits of Using ICT Knowledge management is essential for sustaining the growth of an organisation. From the perspective of investors, the worth or value of an organisation is as a result of its ability to strategically retain and generate knowledge that facilitates the organisation’s business activity. The sharing of practices throughout the organisational hierarchy, and adoption of effective techniques formulated by individuals having great expertise in the relevant field can help to improve the efficiency of the business activity. Wenger et al (2010) explain that one of the main advantages of technology is that it has allowed communities to interact in new ways. In fact, new technology that was developed to facilitate interaction between communities was often the result of a need that was felt by these communities, for a tool to facilitate interaction within the community. The technology tools help communities to bridge problems such as time and space, participation and reification, etc. Examples of such tools include the Internet itself, wikis, etc. In terms of knowledge management processes, these communication tools are important because they facilitate communication between two or more people, and consequently tacit knowledge sharing within the community. Kelly (2009) explains that the technological dimensions are part and parcel of effective knowledge management. Some of the technologies which are essential for modern knowledge management processes include business intelligence, CRM (Customer relationship management software), collaboration, distributed learning, knowledge mapping, etc. Databases can be used as knowledge repositories, as well as for storing structured and unstructured knowledge; they may also be used to identify the people (tacit knowledge holders) within the organisation. Each of these different set of technological tools facilitate different knowledge management processes. For example, business intelligence software allows the firm to create knowledge about its competitors, and the broader economic environment. Collaboration and distributed learning technologies allows individuals within the organisation to communicate and share knowledge, allowing for geographical and structural barriers to be overcome. This is especially important in today’s globalised world. Technology simplifies the flow of knowledge and accelerates its dissemination and assimilation. Knowledge discovery technologies allow the firm to find new knowledge, either within the organisation itself, or outside; knowledge mapping technologies facilitate the tracking of knowledge sources effectively, etc. Overall, it can be said that the different aspects of knowledge creation, transfer and storage is facilitated through technological infrastructure. Introducing technology in knowledge management will reduce redundancy in the activities of an organisation. It can enhance productivity and can be used for skill development. Promoting client value can also simplified by using technology for knowledge management. Improved and efficient use of knowledge management offers competitive benefits in the market. It leverages an organisation and makes it better prepared to face uncertainties both on a local and global scale. The sharing of practices, techniques and information with partners around the globe, made easy by technology can help streamline business processes which otherwise may be inefficient and wasteful i. e. aligning the organisational objectives with the available resources to successfully conduct the business activity can be greatly enhanced with the use of technology in knowledge management. Zack, 1999) 3. 0 Limitations of Using ICT Boland et al (2004) opine that much of the effort to design information technology to support some of the higher level knowledge management functions such as cognition and decision making at the managerial level have severe shortcomings. They highlight some of the problems inherent with using ICT such functions, explaining that as the collection of representations grows, as in hypertext, it becomes increasingly difficult to navigate through the collection. Help is required, and this help is the price that has to be paid for richer communication. Then there is multiplicity, where each of the actors have their own interpretations of the same situation; these multiple interpretations are required in order to support individual reflective thought as well as group dialog. Clearly, technology is not sufficiently advanced yet to support these high level rich communication that is required for knowledge management. Roberts (2010) is rather critical of the ability of ICT to contribute to knowledge transfer, especially tacit knowledge transfer. She states that technology has been proven to be very useful for the transfer of codified knowledge, i. . explicit knowledge, but is still relatively less useful for the transfer of tacit knowledge. Furthermore, the impact of ICT on the production processes even in the knowledge based economy of today, which is highly dependent on technology, is unevenly distributed. This is because technology is yet to be able to replace, much less enhance certain forms of human interaction. Roberts (ibid) further explains that knowledge is a very complex construct, resulting in technology being inadequate to fully facilitate knowledge transfer (esp. acit knowledge). For example, she highlights that tacit knowledge transfer requires antecedents such as trust, mutual understanding, and many other factors that can be established only through face to face interaction (Jarvenpaa and Leidner, 1998). Hislop (2002) explains that the sharing of knowledge between communities is very complex and not straightforward. Different organisations may experience different problems with the sharing of knowledge, because of different factors. Any application of technology for the purposes of knowledge sharing therefore should take into account the potential difficulties involved in knowledge sharing across communities. Knowledge sharing within communities is made more complex also when there is a lack of the sense of collective identity as well as a significant common knowledge base. Divergent identities means that there may be perceived or actual differences in interest between two or more communities, creating a potential for conflict. Walsham (2001) provides many examples of where ICT is inadequate for knowledge management. For example, he shows that the knowledge management processes are particularly complex when working across different cultures. The workers in different cultures based their specialist expertise on different foundations (such as experience, or theoretical knowledge) resulting in different methods of knowledge transmission through the product cycle. These different workers from different cultures would then give different degrees of importance to technology, and the different emphases on face to face contact. Walsham (ibid) further suggests that the role of technology in knowledge management processes is limited to facilitating communication, such as through the creation of safe enclaves for online communication. He also stresses that the use of technology should be context-dependant. In fact, Newell et al (in Prichard, 2000) rightly point out that technology has been considered to be essential in knowledge management, but is actually based on ‘nebulous concepts’. However, the increasing pervasiveness of technology in organisations, and the different ways in which it can be put to use creates its own problems. They explain that the routine use and reliance on IT cuts across different managerial specialisms, and increases the levels of uncertainty about the relationship between the use of the technology and the pursuit of the organisational goals. This means that many organisations perhaps adopt technology for the sake of adopting technology. However, this should not be the case, as IT is just a tool like any other, to be used to achieve a particular purpose. The relative sophistication of the tool tends to blind managers as to the fact that it is a tool, and using the tool becomes the goal. This is detrimental to the organisation’s long term prospects. Hislop (2010) explains that it is the fundamental nature of knowledge that makes it extremely difficult for technology to play a central role in the knowledge sharing processes. This is because very specific conditions are required for ICT-based knowledge sharing to take place successfully. From the practical perspective, the tacit and explicit division of types of knowledge has worked well; viewing knowledge through a different lens does not do away with the problems that arise when technology is to be used in the knowledge management processes. McKinlay (2002) also points out that there may be other dangers associated with the over reliance on technology for knowledge management. For example, he explains that team work is used for knowledge sharing, because it was able to result in the extraction of tacit knowledge hidden in the routines of team work; this extraction of tacit knowledge could then allow for its conversion into codified knowledge. If team work were to be abolished totally, then the team working routines which facilitated the extraction of the tacit knowledge would not take place; consequently, the extraction of tacit knowledge would also not take place. Furthermore, he points out that the use of technology often results in formal working practises. However, there are ‘relatively frubby and pedestrian forms of knowledge’ that are very important for knowledge creation, in the form of radical product and process innovation. From this it can be seen that the over emphasis on the use of technology in knowledge management can actually be counter productive, and result in less effective knowledge management. Jackson (1999) explains that one of the major problems with the use of technology in knowledge management processes is that both technological and business changes are taking place at a very rapid pace. This means that human beings have very little time to get to grip with the change, and assess the impact of these changes. There is also consequently even less time for reflection on the type of systems and competencies needed, and to create new configurations of work based on these new technologies. In addition to this there is also the issue of cost effectiveness, which underlies all effort in the business environment. If any task is not cost effective, it should not be undertaken. However, the pace of progress of technology cannot be predicted, and this undermines the cost efficiency of any effort relating to the assessment and effective implementation of technology in knowledge management processes. Overall, it can be said that it is clear that the blind use of technology in knowledge management processes has a number of disadvantages which should not be ignored by any good knowledge manager. 3. 0 Conclusion Clearly, the role of ICT in knowledge management is one that is evolving. This is because not only is knowledge management itself evolving, but technology itself is developing at a rapid pace. ICTs have been shown to bring a number of benefits to the various knowledge management processes, and can be considered to be essential for these processes. However, it was also shown that ICTs are not sufficiently developed to be able to replace face to face interaction in knowledge management processes. In fact, it is shown that ICT is still highly inadequate in replacing the antecedents required for higher level knowledge management processes that are provided by face to face communications. Hence it can be said that knowledge managers must use ICT in a considered manner. Neither can they ignore the benefits of ICT to some knowledge management processes, nor can they ignore the limitations of ICT for the other knowledge management processes.