Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Problem Of Care Aids - 1374 Words

The next portion of this analysis is the evidence that the situation provides. Care aids in Canada have a document that outlines competencies needed in order to provide the public with safe, competent and ethical care (HCA Core Competency Profile, 2014). Upon my analysis of this document, the care in the situation had not met competencies 1.0: Health and Caring, 3.0: Communication Skills, 5.0: Safety, and 6.0: Responsibility, Accountability and Ethical Behavior. I begin to question what the ramifications are for care aids that do not meet these standards in Canada. Is it possible that the care aid has forgotten the competencies in which she is required to meet? It could be that the care aid isn’t educated about dementia and wasn’t aware of†¦show more content†¦Determining Step two of this process involves determining what the relevant ethical principles are being met or missed in the scenario (The IDEA, 2008). Nonmaleficence is characterized by the act of avoid ing harm of our clients while in addition, weighing this harm against the benefits of the action (Bastable, 2014). In this scenario, the care aid did not meet the ethical principle of Nonmaleficence, as she scolded and teased the resident because he had not cleared his entire plate; telling him that he wouldn’t get his hat back until he started being a â€Å"good boy†. Although the care aid may have felt that scolding the resident would prevent him from doing wrong in the future, her intervention did not result in a positive outcome. Subsequently, causing harm to the client by triggering anger and confusion. In addition, the care aid lacked the ethical principle of beneficence. Beneficence is much like nonmeleficence, but is characterized by portraying actions that promote good (Burkhardt, Nathaniel Walton, 2014). Considering this definition, her actions did not benefit the client nor promote good, as the resident was unable to correlate the scolding to the notion of clearing his plate. I also feel that the ethical principle of Justice was involved in this situation, as the care that was provided wasn’t fair, equitable or appropriate to the client (Burkhardt,Show MoreRelatedA Research Study On Palliative Care1663 Words   |  7 PagesHIV and new cases in older people. To manage this increasing population a holistic care is needed. According to World Health Organization (2002) â€Å"Palliative care is an approach which improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing life-threatening illness, through the prevention, assessment and treatment of pain and other physical, psychosocial and spiritual problems† (para. 1). 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