Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Religion Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Religion - Personal Statement Example He fasted in the wilderness for forty days and forty nights (matt 4: 1-11), where the devil tempted him and he overcame all the temptation because he had faith and believed and worshipped one God (Hauer & Young, 2011). Some lessons learnt are, there is need for one to know the bible scriptures so well, as it’s a necessity in believers lives as it is full of temptations. Through the scriptures knowledge one can overcome all temptations as it acts as a weapon. Through prayers we can overcome temptation as it’s demonstrated by Jesus, and this made us to believe Jesus as the only begotten son of God as he had power to defeat Satan. Also we need to be obedient to God as we are not supposed to be swayed by the earthly belongings as in today’s times but instead obey God because with God everything is possible (Hauer & Young, 2011). There is need to trust in God because he is powerful and we do not need a spectacular thing so that you can believe. There need to wait for the perfect time of God to fulfill his plan, so as Christians we should not go for shortcuts in life but instead wait for the appropriate time (Hauer & Young,

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