Friday, October 25, 2019

Creating a Personal Electronic Home Room Security System Robot with Leg

Personal Electronic Home Room Security System-Bot Question: Is it possible to create a personal electronic home room security system with Lego’s Mindstorm kit? Hypothesis: If I use the Lego’s Mindstorm kit, I hypothesize that any type of security system is possible with legos because the freedom of using as many RCX blocks as possible allows room for larger and more complex robots, though the program NQC does have some limits to it. Background Research: Ever since the beginning of civilization, people had been searching ways to secure their own privacy from intruders. First, it was fire, the most basic form of security that scared unwary animals away, along with dangerously exposing one’s â€Å"clandestine† hideout to curious nature. Next came the actual fortification of structures and barricades, which provided temporary protection from unarmed thieves. Finally, after centuries of failed attempts of searching a flawless security system, the world entered the Information Age, where home security was given a complete renovation in safety and style. A typical home security system consists of an alarm system that sounds after an unwanted break-in. Motion sensors around the house may also trigger such an alarm, just in case if the burglar is already hiding out in the house after security is set. Paranoid housekeepers may also take the extra step of installing timed light systems, just to inform burglars that there is still life and activity within the house. However, the price is horrendously expensive. Nevertheless, one security system for the house is enough for the whole family†¦ unless, those pesky teenagers want one too. Subsequently, installation of nested alarm systems and motion sensors is rather inconvenie... ... further studies, future creators can remedy this problem by developing new ways for two RCX to communicate with each other, such as touch sensors that are attached to both RCX’s, or the usage of laser communication. One other problem is the exposure of the RCX blocks that can allow intruders to simply turn off the blocks to shut off the alarm system. This can be fixed by developing automatic enclosing boxes that lock over the open RCX’s when password is set. The idea of multiplexing sensors without the usage of extra hand-created pieces is another important research that can allow more convenient robots and even a numeric pad controlled security system. With these studies, paranoid room securers may someday finally find peace in the security they have. References: Baum, David. Definitive Guide to LEGO MINDSTORMS: Second Edition. New York, Apress 2003

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