Sunday, October 6, 2019

Business continuity management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business continuity management - Essay Example BCM programs and plans are a part of risk management and emergency operations on the government level. At the beginning of the 21st century, government promotes new programs and policies aimed to protect all spheres of business and population. These decisions can have multiple influences and affects on the lives of civilians involved in the incident and the lives of rescuers, the lives of managers operating in the BCM system and population in general (Chandler, Wallace, 2004). Even seemed insignificant element of data that is missed or resource not assigned, a division or task force assigned to the wrong area or not tracked properly has resulted in catastrophic consequences for the entire population and business activities. For this reason, BCM supports considerably the development of improved accountability system for tracking personnel and resources, ministries and business agencies. Perception of the threat is a significant motivating principle for government, however, it influenc es the pace, nature, and extent of development and implementation of security policy and measures. The principle of the rule of law has been, and remains, a constant in current BCM policy. To promote and implement BCM programs, government introduces BCP (plans) for b

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