Wednesday, October 9, 2019

MANAGING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 1

MANAGING - Essay Example In his works, Foucalt has focused on five major topics, including the following: discourse, power/knowledge, de-centered human subject, body, and micro-politics (Izac, 2014). This paper focuses on the topic of power and knowledge, and analyses how Foucault s view on power and discipline explains the managerial work and management power/roles. Among a wide range of subjects and topics covered in the Foucault’s work, there are three central concerns expressed by the author: power, knowledge, and subjectivity (Townley, 1993). Power is viewed by Foucault as a commodity, which is embodied either in a person, structure, or institution and is held or possessed for achieving individual and/or organizational purposes (Townley, 1993). As Foucault (1981:94) explained, â€Å"power is not something that is acquired, seized, or shared, something one holds on to or allows to slip away†¦rather power is relational; it becomes apparent when it is exercised† (Townley, 1993: 520). This definition gives more insight on how Foucault views power. Moreover, Foucault views power and knowledge as two inseparable and interrelated elements (Izac, 2014). He has coined a term â€Å"power-knowledge† as power and knowledge directly imply one another, whereas power produces knowledge, and knowledge produces power. In Foucault’s point of view, â€Å"knowledge is power† as knowledge provides someone with the power and capability to control, manage and change the socio-political order (Izac, 2014; Foucault, 1980). Furthermore, Foucault explains how organisations and institutions, possessing power impose discipline by defining, creating, normalizing and enforcing knowledge and truth in human society (Izac, 2014). Thus, power attained and supported through knowledge produces our reality, dictates our behaviour, and creates our beliefs about the truth (Foucault 1991, cited in Izac, 2014). In this case, knowledge presupposes and constitute power relations at the

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