Monday, October 7, 2019

Political Science Analytical Book Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Political Science Analytical Book Review - Essay Example olliers underlines a positive and profound role of G8 in promotion of new standards o life and new economic policies aimed to support failing states and their economies. If nothing is done, the poverty will grab developed states and their economy. Paul Collier is an expert in this field working for many years as director of research for the World Bank and Director of the Center for the Study of African Economies at Oxford University. His book, In The Bottom Billion, is based on careful data analysis and personal opinion of the author, statistical results and predictions made by the key economists and bankers. Paul Collier presents an interesting and impressive picture of the modern world trying to inspire the developed nations change their policies nad help underdeveloped nations. Collier is rights that poverty is a global phenomenon and a single nation cannot improve its standards of living and economic situation without support of G8 and other international institutions. The main strengths of the book is a clear and argumeneative description of events and economic processes supported by economic data and statistic analyses. The most simple but impressive explanation of poverty is that: â€Å"poverty is simply the default o ption when economies malfunction† (157). The world faces an increasing disparity in the economic development an increasing arms race as the wealthier nations develop and stockpile weapons weapons of destruction in an attemp to guarantee safety. The problem with the balance-of-powers solution and the attempt to reach a standoff by deterrence is that the balance itself is not a stable process, and the continual need to rebalance imbalances produces poverty. It is not possible to think of the relationship between rich and poor nations without thinking of modernization and development among the peoples of the Third World. To avoid oversimplification or the equation of development with Westernization it might be better to speak of "social

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